Hello, It's Me

Yuvraj Singh

And I'm a Mern Stack Developer

Driven MERN stack developer with a focus on developing efficient and scalable solutions

that meet business needs and exceed user expectations

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About me

Mern Stack Developer!

As a MERN stack developer, I specialize in building
web applications using the MERN technology stack,
which includes MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS


Our Services!

Upcomming Software Engineer

As an upcoming software engineer student,
I can offer services such as software development, testing, technical support, documentation, and more.



I am passionate about solving complex problems and creating elegant
With expertise in programming languages such as C++, C, Javascript

including user interfaces, databases, and APIs



I am passionate about my Engineering Carrier and
with including Development and carrier I have good in
core subject Database, Computer Network, and Oprating System.
And I also maintain 8.03 CGPA


System Design

I have basic knowladge of system design.
I have also design basic HLD and LLD of system.
I am design of basic LLD and HLD of E-Commerce Website and Time-Table Management


Latest Projects

URL Shortner

This is a special type of web-app which short the URLs.

Todo's List Project

This is Todo's List Project which is developed for own use perpuse

E-Commerce Web-App

This is full stack E-commerce Project I have choose Node, Express as backend. React as frontend. Redux for state-Management. and MongoDB and Cloudinary for database

Simeple Gym Project

In this project, I have create a simple Gym-Website for Only Learning Perpuse. This project makes Better UI.

Contact Me!